Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A quick update

Michael and I went to the Torrey Pines State Reserve in San Diego on Sunday. We swam in the Pacific Ocean which was quite fun. We then went hiking around the seaside cliffs and were greeted with a wonderful view of the beaches and oceans below.

Now we are on the ship moving swiftly through the Pacific Ocean. Luckily I have not gotten particularly seasick yet, but there is a persistent and annoying feeling of dizziness and unease. The ship is pretty amazing and I’m surprised it looks so new. There is not much more to say now, today is an orientation day.


Denise said...

Hey Andy. How are you doing? I am reading your blog site everyday and I am amazed at your writing and your pictures. You and Mike have a really small room. Hope all your stuff fits and you guys don't fight too much over space. I hope that your sea sickness isn't too bad. Keep well and keep taking pictures of your voyage. Talk with you soon. Love, Denise

Unknown said...

I see they were going for the Chuck E Cheese decor in your room with that carpet. My kind of place!

(Oh and the cliffs are okay too.)